Toothache is very different from other pain. It can cause burning and ache sensation. This pain in the tooth can prevent you from chewing anything. If you feel any pain in the tooth at night, you need to know some of the remedies to get rid of the pain.
After the remedies, if the pain still feels pain, you should seek the help of the dentist immediately. The pain in the teeth can be due to various causes. So the treatment of the pain also varies according to the root cause of the pain.
Rinse with salt water
For toothache, salt water rinse is a proper and effective treatment for many people. Saltwater work as a disinfectant, it also removes the chewed particles of food from the teeth.
Treating with salt water can also minimize the inflammation in the jaw and may heal many wounds. To rinse with salt water, you need to warm a glass full of water and mix a half tablespoon in it. Now, your rinsing solution is ready.
Hydrogen peroxide rinse
Hydrogen peroxide can help you to relieve the pain in the teeth and can also release inflammation. This solution can even kill the bacteria in the mouth, which cause infection and illness. However, this solution can also heal the gums which bleed and can also reduce the plaque.
Furthermore, you need to make sure that you use dilute hydrogen peroxide. Otherwise, it can damage your mouth.
Peppermint tea bags
You can use these bags to reduce the tension between the gums and teeth. This process also relaxes the gums and produce calming effects.
Before applying to the affected area, wait for the teat bag to get cool down. You are all doing this to cool the area so that it reduces the pain in the mouth. You can freeze your tea bag for a couple of minutes so that it gets chilled.
Use of garlic to treat the damage and disease is an old tradition. Garlic can kill harmful bacteria and can also remove the plaque. However, in some cases, we have seen that it also work as a pain reliever.
To treat the affected area, you need to make a paste of garlic and gently apply it to the damaged area, which is usually gums in the mouth.
Vanilla extract
Vanilla extract contains alcohol in a small amount, which can help you to desensitize the pain. It also contains the properties of antioxidant, which heals the wounds quickly.
Cold compress
Cold compress is a technique to relieve the pain in the damaged area. Especially, if you are experiencing the pain in the tooth due to the trauma, a cold compress can effectively help you to remove the pain.
The cold compress can help you to reduce the swelling and inflammation in the gums. You can fill the ice in a bag and wrap it with a towel or cloth. Then gently place it on the affected area for at least 20 minutes.
Doctor’s Appointment
If your tooth pain is getting severe, and home remedies didn’t work for you, then you need to seek the help of a dentist immediately. You can also use OTC or another pain reliever. You can also buy pain medicine online to minimize the pain in the affected area.
In the early morning, you need to consult with the dentist. Some conditions also make it necessary for you to see your doctor; these conditions include:
- Fever
- Swelling
- Pain when you chew or bite
- Redness in gums
- Pus in the gums
- Pain that lasts more than two days
- Trouble in breathing
If you experience any of the above condition, you should immediately consult with your doctor. �Z�(= ���o_�Q