IELTS Exam We all must have experienced the energy that a messy room gives us. Did you find that energy irritating? Yes, you must have. The examiner experiences the same when it comes to handwriting in the IELTS exam. Good handwriting matters in the IELTS exam. But good handwriting doesn’t mean the words should be written in cursive or beautiful style. In fact, any style of writing is accepted until it is clear and understandable. So you have to give more attention to the clarity of the words. You have to write your answer in such a way that the examiner won’t find it difficult to read your answer. We advise you to read this article carefully to know the significance of good handwriting and what style of writing is needed for the IELTS exam.
Please note that every alphabet or word you have written should be clear. Otherwise, the examiner can penalize you for your habit of using an unofficial style of an alphabet. So it is wise to get rid of the habit of using an unofficial style of the alphabet before the IELTS exam date. Just imagine how bad and disheartening it would feel to get a bad score even after explaining the answer very well. So try to use a clear and understandable form of handwriting while attempting your answer in the exam.
We have elaborated on the significance of good handwriting in the following points.
Clear writing
It is fine to use a simple format of writing until it is decipherable. You can use your favorite but official style of writing to write your answer. But please try to keep your answer sheet neat and clean. Moreover, using proper spaces between words will make the words more readable and pleasant to the eyes IELTS Exam. You must be aware that wrong spellings affect the IELTS score. Don’t use cutting and rewriting the spellings. Otherwise, your answer sheet will look unpleasant to the examiner. You need to be very careful when you have chosen to answer in the cursive form of writing. Check with your full attention that every word you have written is clear and understandable. Please try to get yourself acquainted with all the necessary attributes of clear handwriting before enrolling yourself for IELTS/PTE exam date.
Writing tools
Before taking the IELTS exam, collect all the necessary tools to write your answer. For example, pencils, pens, erasers, and sharpeners. Please ensure that these all tools belong to good quality and won’t trouble you while writing your answer. It is advisable to use a pencil while taking the reading and listening tests of the exam. As there would high chances that you need to delete the previous answer. If you have used a pencil then you can use an eraser to erase the wrong answer. But remember that overusing the eraser can tear the paper. Moreover, use a darker pencil and ensure that it won’t break while writing IELTS Exam.
While taking the writing task, if you have decided to use a pen then you have to clearly mark the mistakes you have made. For this, you can draw one or two lines through the words that you need to delete. This will signal the examiner to exclude the words from the evaluation. Furthermore, use the caret symbol to include the forgotten word in the sentence. Please note that you can use a pen or pencil to write your answer, it all depends on you.
Practice answer writing
You need to get aware of which handwriting style of yours consumes more time. Please note that there would be a certain time limit to write the answers. So it is essential to use a style that consumes less time. For this, you need to practice answer writing. As it will make you aware of the pros and cons of different styles of writing. For this, we advise you to solve sample papers. Remember to compare your answer with the experts. This will shed light on your weakness and areas to improve. Moreover, choose a handwriting style that consumes less time and is able to give you more time to think. Please practice answer writing with the help of sample papers before the IELTS exam date.
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Use proper spacing and clear alphabet
Using improper spacing between the letters of the words can also affect the IELTS score. You have to use proper spacing to make your answer clearer for the examiner. Using improper spacing between your words and sentences will leave a bad impression on the examiner. For better understanding, practice proper spacing while solving sample papers. Additionally, use a clear and official style of the alphabet. You must have noticed that some students or people often have a habit of writing an alphabet in their own informal style. If you are among them then please try to get rid of this habit as it can affect your IELTS score. Moreover, it is essential to take proper care while using ‘a’ and ‘o’ in your answers. Are you done with your preparations for the IELTS/PTE exam? If yes, then enroll yourself for the upcoming IELTS/PTE exam date. If you don’t know the exam date yet then go and check the official website of the exam conducting body.
It is often believed that bad writing is the symbol of an intelligent person. Well, that is a different topic. But don’t you think it is wise to improve your handwriting to achieve your goal of an excellent score. So start to improve your writing from now on as it can help you get an excellent score in the IELTS exam.