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Sunday, February 9, 2025

Ovarian Cysts: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments

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An ovarian cyst is a fluid-filled pocket located within the ovary or on its surface. Ovarian cysts are benign (non-cancerous) and their size can range from half an inch to 4 inches, and even larger in some cases. Most ovarian cysts are harmless and can appear at any age, especially during the reproductive years.

Symptoms of Ovarian Cysts

While most ovarian cysts don’t cause any symptoms, a large ovarian cyst can cause the following signs and symptoms: 

  • Irregular and painful periods
  • Pelvic pain
  • Swelling, bloating, or heaviness in the abdomen
  • Bowel issues
  • Breast tenderness
  • Painful sexual intercourse
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Urinary issues

Causes of Ovarian Cysts

Some of the most common causes of ovarian cysts include:

Hormonal problems: Functional ovarian cysts are common and usually form due to the female menstrual cycle. They are short-lived and go away on their own.

Pregnancy: During early pregnancy, an ovarian cyst develops to support the pregnancy till the time placenta forms. But sometimes, the cyst stays after the pregnancy and may need to be removed through surgery.        

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Endometriosis: Endometriosis condition can give rise to a type of ovarian cyst called endometrioma.

Severe pelvic infections: Pelvic infections can further spread to the ovaries and fallopian tubes and cause ovarian cysts.

Complications of Ovarian Cysts

Most ovarian cysts are harmless but sometimes they can lead to serious complications such as:

Ovarian Torsion: It is a rare complication in which an enlarged cyst can move the ovary from its original position, causing severe pain in the abdomen.   

Cancer: In rare cases, a cyst can lead to ovarian cancer.

Ruptured Cysts: Ruptured cysts can cause severe pain and internal bleeding.

Best Ovarian Cyst Treatments

Early diagnosis of ovarian cysts is extremely important for avoiding potential complications. The doctor may perform certain tests, including MRI, transvaginal ultrasound, and tumour markers to assess the size, shape, location, and composition of the cyst. After diagnosis, the doctor may recommend the following ovarian cyst treatments:

  1. Birth control pills: Oral contraceptives or birth control pills can stop ovulation and prevent the formation of new cysts. These pills can also reduce the risk of ovarian cancer.
  2. Laparoscopy: Also known as keyhole surgery, laparoscopy is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of the cyst through a small incision. This laparoscopic surgery is safe and doesn’t affect the patient’s fertility.

If you’re experiencing abdominal pain, vomiting or nausea, or any of the signs mentioned above, you must visit the best gynecology clinic wherein skilled gynecologists are known to provide the best ovarian cyst removal treatment.

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