The object of every case study is to come up with an outcome. Case studies are used to measure intangible qualities by creating a rule of measures. If you want to know how to prepare a case solution for your next project, follow these simple steps:
- Make the Case:
Defining the scope of the case study is the first step of getting started. The case is the main foundation of the entire study. Without this base, it would be impossible to build any conclusions or results on the top. However, since most case dynamics may be intangible, it cannot be easy to precisely define a case. Take into consideration the following sub-steps to take care of the case solutions scenario:
- Perform an Examination:
Write down the rough draft of the outline of the case. This outline can be vague and bold, but it is very important that it is pointed in your case’s direction. When you have a rough outline, you can start to add or subtract less important things. With the help of this crude ore, it becomes much easier to carve out the perfect gemstone.
- Create Focus:
Be painfully specific. Think about all the factors that are to be included and also take into consideration all the factors that are needed to be excluded from the cut. Leaving out one unwanted hanger can imprint a big effect on the outcome of the entire study.
- Propose Solutions:
Keep your options open. Start by writing down in the rough the most obvious course of action. Weigh the pros and cons of every possible solution. If you have access to any research team, make a point to discuss your propositions. In the end, go for the best solution available at your disposal.
- Formal Writing:
Now that the rough work is out of the way, it is time to start preparing your final draft. However, making a draft is not all about jotting down all your notes. Keep in mind the following factors while creating the draft:
- Introduction
The best way to start a case study is to begin with an introduction. Write in a reasonable tone that you understand about the subject matter and help the reader develop an idea about your case study’s scope. An introduction is like a central idea about the entire project.
- Context
Case studies can be really subjective. To keep your readers engaged it is very important to take a deep dive into the context of the case study. Make sure that the background is explained in simplified, elaborate, and concise manner.
- Evaluate
When you are done editing it is not advisable to keep revising the entire document. A final evaluation can save the people from a lot of trouble in regards to the missed points. Make a final review of your notes and make up your mind before preparing the final copy.
- Review Solutions
It is always a good idea to review your solutions. The process of going through the introduction and context again may bring forth some new points in your mind. Take your new observation into consideration. Weigh your solutions alternatives again. If possible provide multiple solutions with merit projections.
- Referencing
Providing references for your work is very important. References make the research more authentic and reliable. If there is room give recommendations for the readers as well. A case solution with proper sources carries much more weight.
- Seal the Deal
Before submitting your work, make room for one final inspection. Cross check your references and filter out grammar mistakes. Run the document through spell check and improve the sentence structure. Research shows that the documents with a better readability score gets better grade and recognition.
Case studies are the recording of experiments or observations taken from an independent environment. The purpose of case studies to understand the dynamics of a particular phenomenon. Case studies are an important part of research. These studies are arranged for many professional fields like psychology, law, marketing, branding among others. To make a case study reliable and trustworthy it is important to work in an organized manner.