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Dental Care Guide For Children

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Baby teeth start to develop while babies are still within the womb. Newborns have a full set of 20 baby teeth that are actually hidden in their gums. For most babies, teeth begin to show between 6 and 10 months.Though rear, in some children, teeth appear as early as 3 months. In others, they don’t arrive until around 1 year.

According to Dr. Urvi Shah who is working with one of the best dental clinic in Mulund, children get teeth at different times. a really small number of youngsters are born with 1-2 teeth. Baby teeth can arrive in any order, although the central bottom teeth are often the first to appear. All 20 baby teeth will usually arrive by the time your child is at least three years old.

The 32 adult teeth replace the baby teeth between the ages of 6 and 20 years once the baby teeth fall.

As each primary tooth gets to the surface of the gum, the gum exposes to point out the tooth. Babies sometimes rub
their gums together when new teeth are beginning to come through the gum. According to Dr. Bhubana who is working
with one of the best dental clinics in Kodambakkam, Chennai, this isn’t usually a big issue.

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Many people think that ‘teething’ babies also:

  • cry more or seem extra cranky.
  • don’t feed also as was common.
  • Bite & suck on objects like toys, dummies, and bibs
  • have more dirty nappies more often
  • pull the ear on the same side because the tooth coming through.

These signs could be caused by teething – or they could just be a traditional part of development or a result of minor

infections and illnesses. If your baby isn’t well, it’s always best to take your baby to your general physician, especially if the baby features a fever or diarrhea, or you’re worried about the other symptoms.

Teething: things you can give a try

If you’re concerned about your baby’s teething, you’ll try:

  • gently rubbing your baby’s gums with a clean finger – confirm to scrub your hands first
  • giving your baby something to bite on, sort of a cold (but not frozen) comforter, toothbrush, or dummy
  • cooking mushier foods, which require less chewing
  • giving your baby something firm, sort of a sugar-free rusk, to suck on.

Teething gels aren’t generally recommended because they probably don’t help to ease the pain. They will even have

harmful side effects. If your baby still seems unhappy or uncomfortable, it’s time to visit your GP or child and family health nurse. Teething might not be the only issue.

Dental care for baby teeth and gums

You can start dental care for baby teeth before your baby’s first tooth appears. Once your baby is about three months old, you’ll gently wipe your baby’s gums with the help of a damp, clean gauze twice each day. This helps your baby prepare for brushing when the primary tooth appears.

As soon as the first tooth appears, clean teeth with the help of a soft toothbrush designed for youngsters under two years. If your baby doesn’t just like the toothbrush in their mouth, you’ll have to keep using a clean, damp gauze to wipe the front and back of every tooth. Use only water on the toothbrush until your baby is eighteen months old unless a dentist tells you to try something else.

Dental Care Guide For Children 1The best way to clean baby teeth

  • Position your baby in such a way that you’ll see the baby’s mouth, and the baby feels secure. It can be done by taking a seat on a bed or the ground together with your baby lying down in order that baby’s head is on your lap.
  • Cup your baby’s chin in your hands, with the baby’s head resting against your body.
  • Lift your baby’s lip to wash teeth using soft, circular motions.
  • Make sure you spend time on the front and back of every tooth and also the gum line.

Keeping the toothbrush clean

  • After cleaning your baby’s teeth and gums, rinse the toothbrush with water.
  • Store the toothbrush upright in an open container to permit it to air-dry.
  • You should always replace toothbrushes after every 3-4 months to avoid issues.

Preventing early cavity

Teeth cleaning alone isn’t a guarantee against the cavity. Diet and therefore the way you feed your baby also are important. Babies below 6 months age need only breastmilk or formula. Breastfed and formula-fed babies older than six months also can have small amounts of water. Avoid giving your baby sugary drinks. After introducing solids, also avoid giving your baby foods high in sugar.

Don’t put your baby to sleep with a bottle in their mouth. When your baby is asleep, there’s less saliva within the mouth to guard teeth. If your baby falls asleep with a bottle in their mouth, formula or milk might slowly drip into your baby’s mouth and soak teeth. This puts your baby in danger of cavity. Also, note that putting your baby to sleep with a bottle may increase the choking risk.

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