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Change Of Discourse In Women’s Magazine

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Women’s Magazines all over the world are a great source of knowledge, entertainment, and also advertising of products and services to the relevant audience. It became well known to the print media decades ago that women’s magazine could become a thing. Since then there have been multitudes of magazines for the women in India that have catered to their needs in different niches. While there are many magazines that do not associate with any particular niche and cover generally all topics, for many there’s niche relating to which they publish their quality content.

Some of the common niches are:

  • Gossip,
  • Celebrity life,
  • News,
  • Fashion,
  • Health and Fitness,
  • Science and Technology,
  • Sports, and
  • Literature

Previously common themes in women’s magazine

Until some time ago, the very common themes in our magazines were both according to and encouraging the traditional roles of women in our culture. The gossip magazines used to be filled with stories of these very unreal women who seemed perfect in every aspect of their life. The vast impact of these stories was that very artificial standards continued to keep setting their place in the mindsets of women and also the Indian population at large. All this was promoted through women’s magazine india.

Even in celebrity life columns, the articles were dominated by stories of their break-ups, marriages, and their family trivia rather than the focus on the individual identities of these female celebrities.

Among what is called the health and fitness niche today, the narrative was mostly around how could women become more and more and beauty. This could be proven by the number of magazine pages covered with only advertisements of beauty products or jewellery items. The standards of beauty were measured by fairness and body size and shape.

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With the advent of the feminism movement, and realization dawning on people at large, the discourse in the magazines shifted and the content these days really feels like a fresh breath of air.

The changed discourse in magazines

First and foremost, the women’s magazine has become more centric to the real needs, aspirations, and achievements of women in the previous decades. If there’s a female movie celebrity on the cover pages, there’s also a badminton champion, a gold medalist or a scientist on the cover pages.

The stories inside are those of the inspiring imperfections of women and their happiness and contentment with it. The wave of feminism in India has allowed this shift in narrative and discourse towards the individuality of women.

Health and fitness magazine have not fully evolved but are currently seeing a considerable change. There’s more content on how to tackle cancer, diabetes, and asthma and live a healthy life than that on reducing body weight and looking like nothing one originally is. Women too want to read about how they can be more prone and immune to the diseases rather than outward beauty. Beauty products, of course, are there, thanks to capitalism, but there’s at least this change that they are selling “soft-skin”, “glowing-personality” and not “fairness” or “life-long black hair”.

Another important marker of the change in women’s magazines in India is that nowadays, the content published in magazines is that really written by women, which was not the case when India started reading magazines.

Reading a magazine is easier than reading a book, thanks to the particularly styled writing and captivating images relevant to the content. A large number of people might pick-up a magazine, even if they’re not regular readers. Owing to the large popularity and reach, it also becomes a responsibility of the publisher that they produce and publish content, what is desired as well as needed.

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Inaayat Chaudhry
Inaayat Chaudhryhttps://factsnfigs.com/
Inaayat Chaudhry is an author, digital marketing expert and content developer at Factsnfigs.com. He is also a veteran in the digital field. Inaayat Chaudhry brings over eight years of experience in content strategy and digital marketing analysis in the tech industry to a variety of blogs and articles including factsnfigs and unrealistictrends.com and meny more blogs.

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