Do you imagine people’s daily life without service professionals? Right from the inside to the outside of the home, on-demand services are unavoidable in real-time. People in need of several service professionals to carry many services like washing, electrical wiring/repairing, installation, fitness, beauty on-demand, etc.
The professionals with specialized skills essentially need huge bookings from the customer side in order to gain more revenue. The digitized platform utilization yields assured revenue growth and one such platform is generally available is Uber for X where it holds the specialized metrics to streamline workflows towards the high-profit value.
The revenue pattern for the on-demand services growing exponentially after the pandemic scenario. According to the Technavio research during the period 2020-2024, the overall growth value of the on-demand home services will be observed as 1574.86 bn USD and the corresponding growth rate will be observed 49% in 2021.
In the same way, the overall on-demand economy is going to reach 335 bn USD at the end of 2025. To contribute your participation in this growth, the customer bookings must be accelerated. This blog lists the top 6 metrics to be considered while launching Uber for X to increase bookings in a smart way. Let’s move on to them.
High-priority to Customer Needs
Some of the service industries like healthcare and in-home care need instant access and immediate contact with the service professionals in order to get the fulfillment urgently. Focusing on this aspect, giving high-priorities to the customer’s needs as per the emergency criteria is the one way of keeping the customers as long in this platform.
Build Social Community
By the integration of the social media within the app, the build-up of community in the social app platforms allows the customers to easily access the opt service professional as per the service needs. The sharing of the customer reviews on their social platforms in Uber for X allows them to get new customers easily in the market.Â
Allow Customers to Pay Smartly
One of the important ways is the inclusion of smart payment interfaces. After the huge pandemic due to Covid-19, contactless payments are getting the essential boom in the market. Third-party integrated payment apps, card-based payment options, and the net-banking are the smart options that make the customers pay the fee smartly.
Also, the smart payment modules with a multi-currency nature extend the services into any region globally.
Be Fit to Trends
The trends are constantly evolved in the on-demand service industry and the service professionals largely involved in the on-demand service industries cope up with the trends in the market.
In order to meet those trends, the digitized platform is an essential one for the service professionals and the service startup owners to meet the trends in the market. An updated service booking model according to the trends is always high-preference from the customer side.
Easily Accessible
The essential requirement from the customer’s point of view is easy accessibility. Irrespective of the location limitations, the customers who are in need of services require easy access to the service professionals.
The creation of profiles in a smart way with enough information like the name, email, mobile number, in-field experience makes the customers access the desired service professional as per their needs easily.
Smart Analytics
Last but not least, the inclusion of smart analytics like real-time tracking via map-based navigation and in-app communication makes all the players like the customers, service professionals attentive and connected lively. Right from the new service requests to the final service completion, the consideration of smartness in the workflows increases the customer bookings easily.
Closing Thoughts
Getting a premier in the on-demand service industry with huge customer bookings is the ultimate objective of the service professionals. If you wish to start your own on-demand services, you must consider the Uber for X platform for seamless workflows to gain more customers in real-time. I hope the metrics listed in this blog are useful and they must be considered while launching Uber for x in order to take the services to next level.